Creditor is required to prove by a preponderance of evidence that his claim against debtor is not dischargeable in bankruptcy. Documen...
2483 8/22/2013
Debtors who ask for bankruptcy relief must be truthful and honest about their financial transactions. Debtors who are not truthful or ...
3116 8/22/2013
Now that house values are way down, many homeowners are able to get rid of their 2nd trust deeds in a Chapter 13 bankruptcy. The proce...
3537 8/22/2013
感恩節揭開周末歡樂購物、出遊的熱潮,但這幾天財物遺失或遭竊的案件也明顯增多。住在哈岡的Rafael Joaquin25日至洛縣警局工業市分局報案,表示24日在La Puente購物中心購...
4212 8/5/2013
在今年節日購物季節,如果你要退貨或更換貨品的話,除了購物單據外,商店或許會要求你提供其他身分證明檔案,此舉旨在防止消費者多次退貨。事實上,根據全國零售聯盟(National ...
3262 8/5/2013
第727(A)(4)(C)章節規定,法院應給予債務人免債,除非... ...“(4)債務人故意欺詐,在該破產案或與之有關的情況下(A)作出虛假宣誓或陳述...“並不是每個由債務人的虛假陳述...
3456 11/7/2016
故意逃避納稅可能會使 BK不得免除稅款 破產法第507和523節規定,破產如果要免除所得稅款,應提供它們至少是3年前的,並且是由於稅收的評估已經取得了至少240天,而後申請破產...
2933 11/7/2016
入息審查是一個比較新的標準,深挖債務人是否濫用破產法。新破產法於 2005年生效的規定,每一個破產債務人必須使用IRS(國稅局)允許扣除的費用計算他的總收入和淨利潤,得出人...
2708 11/7/2016
4197 11/7/2016
The new bankruptcy law which took effect in 2005 brought two new concepts. One is the “means test”. The other is the “PRESUMPTION OF A...
3403 8/22/2013
Section 522 contains the Federal exemptions for bankruptcy. Not all states have the same amount of homestead exemptions. So, some debt...
3415 8/22/2013
The means test is a relatively new standard to ferret out debtor abuse of bankruptcy law. The new bankruptcy law which took effect in ...
3234 8/22/2013
Section 727(a)(4) of the bankruptcy code states that the court shall not give a discharge if “the debtor knowingly and fraudulently, i...
2861 8/22/2013
The situation for discussion is a debtor with a state court judgment against him for a transfer of stock that the judgment says was ma...
2425 8/22/2013
Creditors of debtors who file for Chapter 13 bankruptcy relief have 90 days from the initial 341 A meeting of creditors to file their ...
3539 8/22/2013