What is the means test in bankruptcy? It’s a method for calculating what your household income is for the purpose of determining if yo...
3281 2/11/2020
THE YOUNG: Clients are in their late twenties, the epitome of youth. They have their whole life ahead of time. They married 3 years ag...
3419 2/11/2020
客戶是兩個月前剛剛停止工作的長者。 丈夫是75歲,妻子是71歲。他們擁有一套擁有14萬美元淨值的房子。 他們的兒子未婚免費與他們一起生活。 免費這意味著他沒有向他們支付任何...
2444 2/11/2020
3897 2/11/2020
5763 1/4/2020
Most debtors prefer to have a Chapter 7 wipe out of debt. This is called a fresh start without debt. Most debtors who qualify for Chap...
2332 12/24/2019
客戶42歲,正在經歷離婚。這是一個短暫的2年婚姻。他現在已經離開了婚姻家庭獨自生活。他有一個 蹣跚學步的孩子跟著他妻子,所以他预期支付孩子的撫養費。沒有贍養費,因為婚姻還...
3499 12/19/2019
Client is a corporation that has been in business since 2000. It had good times and bad over the lasttwo decades but always managed to...
3059 12/4/2019
3190 12/4/2019
Client is a senior at 67. He is married but separated from his wife for some time. He lives with a woman but is not married to her obv...
4104 11/26/2019
6万美元卡债怎么办?比较第13章和其他选择客户今年50岁,已婚。他欠了6万美元的信用卡。他每月支付$ 2K作为最低信用卡付款,以保持$ 60K的当前状态。他的妻子对这些卡不承担连...
2234 11/19/2019
Client is 50 and married. He owes $60K of credit cards. He pays $2K a month as minimum credit card payments to keep the $60K current. ...
2329 11/12/2019
Client is 72, married and owns a small business. He’s been operating the business for the last 30 years. At its height, when times wer...
4353 11/1/2019
第一位客戶75歲.她的丈夫4年前過世,給她留下3萬美元的信用卡債務。 她在過去15年裡一直在信用卡上支付最低的付款,她記得是每月800美元。 因此,在一年內,她支付大約10K美元...
3539 10/29/2019
Client no. 1 is 75. Her husband passed 4 years ago and left her with $30K of credit card debt. She has been making minimum payments on...
3008 10/25/2019