A ‘TOTTEN’ trust is a savings account trust established by a person for his son or daughter. To illustrate, you have a 1- year old son...
4245 8/22/2013
The situation we are going to discuss involves a Chapter 7 bankruptcy debtor who has abandoned her residence which has substantial equ...
2437 8/22/2013
I cannot overemphasize the need for debtors to be honest and transparent in their financial transactions when they file for bankruptcy...
2083 8/22/2013
如果一個公司還不起其債務,該公司的債權人是否能合法地要求申請破產救濟的業主支付公司的債務?例如,Nobama 從Netflix的股票在過去45天裡翻了一番,他用這些利潤購買柯達...
4825 8/22/2013
於2005年生效的新破產法帶來了兩個新概念。一個是"入息審查"。另一個是"濫用推定"。這兩者齊頭並進。 "入息審查"是對債務人的可支配收入計算的方法,以確定債務人是否符合破產...
3496 11/7/2016
當房價是一路下滑,許多業主都能夠申請第13章破產擺脫他們的第二順位借貸。這個 勾銷第二和初級順位借貸的過程被稱為LAM議案,開創性案件在ReLAM林在第九巡迴上訴法院首先確...
3988 8/22/2013
Creditor is required to prove by a preponderance of evidence that his claim against debtor is not dischargeable in bankruptcy. Documen...
3200 11/7/2016
4961 11/7/2016
當兩個人是合作夥伴而又是彼此的代理人時,其中一人騙取了債權人,這時該怎麼辦?如果債權人追索債務人的債務問題,其中一人犯下欺詐,是否其他夥伴亦脫不了干係 呢?例如,約翰和...
2769 8/22/2013
If a corporation is not able to pay its debt, can creditors of the corporation demand payment legally from the owners of the business ...
2133 8/22/2013
What happens when two persons are partners and agents of each other and one of them defrauds a creditor? If creditor objects to the di...
2384 8/22/2013
3262 8/22/2013
Let's say that husband and wife filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy relief to discharge $80,000 of credit card debt. A week after they file...
3161 8/22/2013
The ‘means test’ calculates the disposable income of debtor’s household using the B22 form for Chapter 7 and Chapter 13. The purpose o...
3098 8/22/2013
A judicial lien is an involuntary lien that arises out of a judgment in a lawsuit. First, there is a lawsuit where the debtor is norma...
3041 8/22/2013